Over the summer our community completed a survey to present ideas on how our County Supervisor should spend the $500,000 that has been allocated to the Ladera Heights Community. Working with Neighbor Advisors and a consulting group eight plan ideas have been formed from your feedback and are ready for you to vote on your favorite.
All Ladera residents are welcome to Vote!
Voting rules;
Residents who are 16 years and older can vote on project proposals ideas submitted by fellow Ladera Heights residents to help determine the best ideas for investing $500,000 back into our community.
Click here to vote> LA County Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell | 2nd District Community Budget | Ladera Heights & Florence Firestone – VOTE
The 500,000 should be used for the following NEEDED repairs/replacements in the Ladera Heights community: NEW streets and sidewalks; SPEED bumps on ALL streets throughout Ladera Heights to SLOW DOWN speeding vehicles; REMOVAL of ALL old trees and REPLACEMENT with new trees throughout; PERMIT PARKING street signs on ALL streets to stop unwanted/ prolonged parking of non-residents/homeless vehicles; Security Cameras at each entry into the Ladera Heights community; Beautify/assist homeowners with needed drought-resistant ground covering plants on ALL curb areas throughout the Ladera Heights community. . . .