July 14, 2020
Dear Valued Constituent:
Thank you again for contacting my office, as well as your committed advocacy, regarding
the Sheriff's announced closures of the Marina del Rey and Altadena stations and the
reassignment of his personnel currently assigned to important Los Angeles County
(County) priorities, including youth programs and homeless outreach teams. As you may
be aware, on July 1, 2020, the Sheriff announced that these stations will no longer
be closing. This is great news for the unincorporated areas of Del Rey, Ladera Heights,
View Park, and Windsor Hills, and this reversal of the Sheriffs original announcement of
these closures is a direct result of your advocacy and engagement on this issue.
As this is only a temporary pause in the County's budget process, with final decisions to
be made in late September during the Supplemental Budget, my office will continue to
monitor this issue for any potential developments. As of now, my office is not aware of
any indication or intention of the Sheriff to revisit this decision. I hope you will also
continue to monitor and, as needed, advocate on this issue as well. Your on-the-ground
perspective is invaluable and helps my office to be responsive to the Second District
communities served by the Marina del Rey station.
It is important that you continue to make your opinions and concerns on this topic and
others known to the Sheriff directly; his office can be contacted at (800) 698-8255, or via
the "Contact Us" form on his website at httDs://lasd.org/contact-us. As the Board of
Supervisors prepares to make final budget decisions this fall, I sincerely hope that the
Sheriff will work cooperatively with the Board of Supervisors and County departments to
preserve these vital services and prioritize investments that keep the public safe.
Thank you again for your advocacy, which made a critical difference in keeping this station
open. As always, please feel free to reach out to my office on this and any other issue.
With hope,
Supervisor, Second District