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Newsletter from Holly Mitchell our County Supervisor

Dear Neighbor, I am excited to introduce our Unincorporated Communities Newsletter. This newsletter aims to keep you better informed on the latest updates and resources impacting the many unincorporated communities in LA County's 2nd District that I am proud to serve. For our unincorporated residents, I understand that the County is your primary local government, responsible for providing everyday services like sanitation and public safety to help keep your communities safe, clean, and healthy. One of my top priorities is addressing the homelessness crisis. I authored a motion to create an RV encampment pilot, and I am proud to share that we officially launched in the Lennox and West Rancho Dominguez communities last month. You'll read more on the launch of the RV Encampment pilot as part of LA County's Pathway Home below. I am clear that we must build upon this promising step to ensure we get Pathway Home to every street in the 2nd District and throughout LA County. I remain committed to increasing accessibility to County resources and services for our unincorporated residents. Earlier this week, I introduced a Board motion that was unanimously approved, calling for an enhanced delivery of services to our unincorporated communities. I look forward to sharing the digital and printed materials and outreach campaign that will support these efforts. My office continues to host community working and listening sessions with residents throughout our unincorporated areas; this is an opportunity for us to hear directly from you and work together on solutions for the challenges that disproportionately impact your neighborhoods. I want to remind residents that you can contact my office at, 213-972-2222, or visit To all celebrating Rosh Hashanah this weekend, may you have a sweet and healthy New Year! Sincerely, Holly J. Mitchell Supervisor, Second District



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