LHCA would like to extend a Thank You to Supervisor Holly Mitchell for hosting the recent community meeting on upzoning. Her willingness to hear and address concerns of our community is appreciated.
We were particularly grateful she brought the head of the LA Planning department and Public Works to provide detailed answers to our questions about the proposal.
We are also pleased to learn that they have made changes to the Westside Area Plan (WSAP) based on the feedback from our August community meeting and the LHCA’s written objections.
The specific changes implemented are as follows:
Removal of Opportunity Site #1 (Centinela and Wooster University Christian Church parking lot).
Removal of Opportunity Site #10 (Angeles Vista and Valley Ridge).
MXD Zone Height Limits have been set to 45 feet (4 stories) in Ladera Heights which it currently zoned for 3 stories.
Rescinding of the rezoning along Springpark and Fairview Blvd.
Policy updates including land use, economic development, and mobility, among others.
These adjustments are a testament to letting our voices being heard and that we are Stronger Together. Thank you Ladera!