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Upzoning Response and Call to Action Needed!

1. LHCA Has Completed Its Response to the County's June 2024 Draft Westside Area Plan. You Can Review the Plan and Read LHCA's Response Now on We need the community to turn out again and let the County know that we are opposed to this draft Plan. Follow the instructions on the site to sign and send a one-click email to Holly Mitchell and County Planning in support of LHCA'S response. 

2. LHCA Does Not Support the City’s current Proposed Housing Element and Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) because it unfairly burdens Ladera with housing density that is inconsistent with the rest of Westchester/Playa,and it does not protect our single-family homes, historic sites (such as Pann's), or Rent Stabilized Units.  We need the community to turn out again and let the City know that we are opposed to this draft of CHIP. Follow the instructions on the City page of to sign and send a one-click email to Traci Park and Karen Bass showing your opposition to CHIP. 


1 Yorum

Why is it that at the meeting, we were not given the opportunity to express any of our concerns vocally by microphone. It was an insult to have Representative Holly Mitchell’s office respond so negative to us by saying she would stop the meeting if we responded vocally. We could only fill out their questionnaire and not communicate verbally at all. This was disgraceful. And to add insult to injury we were treated as if we were not members of our community with valid concerns. Where was our elected official Holly Mitchell whom we voted for to represent and mirror our concerns?? We deserved better and our neighbors are 100% opposed to the County’s Draft Plan for our community. This…

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