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ATTENTION NEIGHBORS: Seeking Volunteers for Monthly Ladera Clean-Up Day

Please join us on Saturday, September 5th at 8a as volunteers from across our community will come together to pick up litter from our streets.

We live in a unique community that geographically includes swaths of LA County, LA City, and Inglewood, making it difficult to coordinate with the various municipalities' public works departments for regular clean-up. As a result, we have several trouble spots along our major corridors that get out of control...and stay that way.

To fight this, several of us are taking it upon ourselves to take back our sidewalks, clean up our streets, and no longer stand for medians and shoulders that look like landfills.

We're very grateful to have the support of LA County DPW to pick up the full trash bags we plan to assemble. However, we need more volunteers from our community to commit to joining us on Saturday, September 5th at 8a, and first Saturdays going forward. We would love to see faces from our community of all ages. This is a job for seniors and families of all abilities. If you can join us to take back our neighborhood, please sign up here:



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